Evil Resource

Marguerite's Warning (Resident Evil 7 Biohazard)

Image of Marguerite's Warning

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You tried to sneak up to the second floor again, didn't you?! Did you think I wouldn't notice?!?!

Even after what happened to Eveline, you just keep talking about some strange medicine.

And what are you planning to do with my altar? You better keep those sticky fingers off of it!

Nobody touches my sacred altar!

You think your father and I are idiots?! You spoiled pathetic child...
I wish you NeVEr been born. UnforGIVably pathetic yet always lookingDOWN on uS aNd trying to Leave our HOME! After EVERYthing WE'VE done for YOU... Pathetic PATHETICpathetic pathetic...

If you EVER even touch my altar I'll slice off your chest and serve it up as potroast...


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