Evil Resource

Zombie (Resident Evil 6)

Image of Zombie
The original Resident Evil villain returns in its full, undead glory. The shambling undead generally try to get close and grab you. Some zombies carry melee and long-range weapons, but they are inaccurate and should be treated as any other zombie.

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  • Image of Leon - Chapter 1

    Leon - Chapter 1

    Zombies - Appear as the most common and recurring enemy of the chapter.
  • Image of Leon - Chapter 2

    Leon - Chapter 2

    Zombies - Appear as the most common and recurring enemy of the chapter.
  • Image of Leon - Chapter 3

    Leon - Chapter 3

    Zombies - Appear as the most common and recurring enemy of the chapter.
  • Image of Leon - Chapter 4

    Leon - Chapter 4

    Zombies - Appear as the most common and recurring enemy of the chapter.
  • Image of Leon - Chapter 5

    Leon - Chapter 5

    Zombies - Appear as the most common and recurring enemy of the chapter.
  • Image of Ada - Chapter 2

    Ada - Chapter 2

    Zombies - Appear as the most common and recurring enemy of the chapter.
  • Image of Ada - Chapter 3

    Ada - Chapter 3

    Zombies - Shopping District. After outrunning the chainsaw-wielding Ubistvo for the first time, you will emerge in the area filled with these creatures.
  • Image of Ada - Chapter 5

    Ada - Chapter 5

    Zombies - High-Rise Area. Whilst piloting the helicopter, you can help Leon and Helena out by shooting the approaching zombies on the ground below.
    Zombies - Quad Tower Roof. As you are flying over the rooftops of the buildings, you can help the stranded survivors by shooting the approaching zombies.
    Zombies - Quad Tower. As you are fighting Derek Simmons, zombies will approach from both sides of the tower and attack.
There are no locations to show.

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