Evil Resource

Combat Knife (Resident Evil 2 Remake)

Image of Combat Knife

A standard military-grade knife. Sure to come in handy in a pinch.

CategoryWeaponry (Sub-weapon)

Related product

Resident Evil 2 Board Game

Resident Evil 2 Board Game

Buy the Resident Evil 2 Board Game on Amazon


Game modeSum total
Leon (Standard)9
Claire (Standard)9
Leon [2nd] (Standard)9
Claire [2nd] (Standard)10
Leon (Hardcore)9
Claire (Hardcore)9
Leon [2nd] (Hardcore)9
Claire [2nd] (Hardcore)10


  • Image of Break Room Hallway - Police Station 1F

    Break Room Hallway - Police Station 1F

    Leon [2nd] (Standard)
    Stuck in the wall next to the fuse box in the south west corner of the hallway.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Break Room Hallway - Police Station 1F

    Break Room Hallway - Police Station 1F

    Claire [2nd] (Standard)
    Stuck in the wall next to the fuse box in the south west corner of the hallway.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Break Room Hallway - Police Station 1F

    Break Room Hallway - Police Station 1F

    Leon [2nd] (Hardcore)
    Stuck in the wall next to the fuse box in the south west corner of the hallway.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Break Room Hallway - Police Station 1F

    Break Room Hallway - Police Station 1F

    Claire [2nd] (Hardcore)
    Stuck in the wall next to the fuse box in the south west corner of the hallway.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Main Hall - Police Station 1F

    Main Hall - Police Station 1F

    Leon (Standard)
    Given to you by Marvin Branagh after returning from exploring the East Hallway.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Main Hall - Police Station 1F

    Main Hall - Police Station 1F

    Claire (Standard)
    Given to you by Marvin Branagh after returning from exploring the East Hallway.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Main Hall - Police Station 1F

    Main Hall - Police Station 1F

    Leon (Hardcore)
    Given to you by Marvin Branagh after returning from exploring the East Hallway.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Main Hall - Police Station 1F

    Main Hall - Police Station 1F

    Claire (Hardcore)
    Given to you by Marvin Branagh after returning from exploring the East Hallway.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Library - Police Station 2F

    Library - Police Station 2F

    Leon (Standard)
    On the dead body of the police officer in the south west corner of the 2F.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Library - Police Station 2F

    Library - Police Station 2F

    Claire (Standard)
    On the dead body of the police officer in the south west corner of the 2F.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Library - Police Station 2F

    Library - Police Station 2F

    Leon [2nd] (Standard)
    On the dead body of the police officer in the south west corner of the 2F.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Library - Police Station 2F

    Library - Police Station 2F

    Claire [2nd] (Standard)
    On the dead body of the police officer in the south west corner of the 2F.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Library - Police Station 2F

    Library - Police Station 2F

    Leon (Hardcore)
    On the dead body of the police officer in the south west corner of the 2F.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Library - Police Station 2F

    Library - Police Station 2F

    Claire (Hardcore)
    On the dead body of the police officer in the south west corner of the 2F.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Library - Police Station 2F

    Library - Police Station 2F

    Leon [2nd] (Hardcore)
    On the dead body of the police officer in the south west corner of the 2F.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Library - Police Station 2F

    Library - Police Station 2F

    Claire [2nd] (Hardcore)
    On the dead body of the police officer in the south west corner of the 2F.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Safety Deposit Room - Police Station 1F

    Safety Deposit Room - Police Station 1F

    Leon (Standard)
    Inside the locker labelled "103". You need to use the Spare Key for the "3" on the control panel.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Safety Deposit Room - Police Station 1F

    Safety Deposit Room - Police Station 1F

    Claire (Standard)
    Inside the locker labelled "103". You need to use the Spare Key for the "3" on the control panel.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Safety Deposit Room - Police Station 1F

    Safety Deposit Room - Police Station 1F

    Leon [2nd] (Standard)
    Inside the locker labelled "103". You need to use the Spare Key for the "3" on the control panel.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Safety Deposit Room - Police Station 1F

    Safety Deposit Room - Police Station 1F

    Claire [2nd] (Standard)
    Inside the locker labelled "103". You need to use the Spare Key for the "3" on the control panel.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Safety Deposit Room - Police Station 1F

    Safety Deposit Room - Police Station 1F

    Leon (Hardcore)
    Inside the locker labelled "103". You need to use the Spare Key for the "3" on the control panel.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Safety Deposit Room - Police Station 1F

    Safety Deposit Room - Police Station 1F

    Claire (Hardcore)
    Inside the locker labelled "103". You need to use the Spare Key for the "3" on the control panel.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Safety Deposit Room - Police Station 1F

    Safety Deposit Room - Police Station 1F

    Leon [2nd] (Hardcore)
    Inside the locker labelled "103". You need to use the Spare Key for the "3" on the control panel.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Safety Deposit Room - Police Station 1F

    Safety Deposit Room - Police Station 1F

    Claire [2nd] (Hardcore)
    Inside the locker labelled "103". You need to use the Spare Key for the "3" on the control panel.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Break Room Hallway - Police Station 1F

    Break Room Hallway - Police Station 1F

    Leon (Standard)
    Stuck in the wall next to the fuse box in the south west corner of the hallway.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Break Room Hallway - Police Station 1F

    Break Room Hallway - Police Station 1F

    Leon (Hardcore)
    Stuck in the wall next to the fuse box in the south west corner of the hallway.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Small Storage Room - Police Station 3F

    Small Storage Room - Police Station 3F

    Claire (Standard)
    Stuck in the head of the mannequin.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Small Storage Room - Police Station 3F

    Small Storage Room - Police Station 3F

    Claire [2nd] (Standard)
    Stuck in the head of the mannequin.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Small Storage Room - Police Station 3F

    Small Storage Room - Police Station 3F

    Claire (Hardcore)
    Stuck in the head of the mannequin.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Small Storage Room - Police Station 3F

    Small Storage Room - Police Station 3F

    Claire [2nd] (Hardcore)
    Stuck in the head of the mannequin.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Lower Waterway - Sewers Middle

    Lower Waterway - Sewers Middle

    Leon (Standard)
    On a barrel at the foot of the stairs on the north platform of the waterway.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Lower Waterway - Sewers Middle

    Lower Waterway - Sewers Middle

    Claire (Standard)
    On a barrel at the foot of the stairs on the north platform of the waterway.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Lower Waterway - Sewers Middle

    Lower Waterway - Sewers Middle

    Leon [2nd] (Standard)
    On a barrel at the foot of the stairs on the north platform of the waterway.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Lower Waterway - Sewers Middle

    Lower Waterway - Sewers Middle

    Claire [2nd] (Standard)
    On a barrel at the foot of the stairs on the north platform of the waterway.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Lower Waterway - Sewers Middle

    Lower Waterway - Sewers Middle

    Leon (Hardcore)
    On a barrel at the foot of the stairs on the north platform of the waterway.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Lower Waterway - Sewers Middle

    Lower Waterway - Sewers Middle

    Claire (Hardcore)
    On a barrel at the foot of the stairs on the north platform of the waterway.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Lower Waterway - Sewers Middle

    Lower Waterway - Sewers Middle

    Leon [2nd] (Hardcore)
    On a barrel at the foot of the stairs on the north platform of the waterway.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Lower Waterway - Sewers Middle

    Lower Waterway - Sewers Middle

    Claire [2nd] (Hardcore)
    On a barrel at the foot of the stairs on the north platform of the waterway.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Proposed Water Purification Room - Sewers Middle

    Proposed Water Purification Room - Sewers Middle

    Leon (Standard)
    Stuck in a white sack in the north west corner of the platform.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Proposed Water Purification Room - Sewers Middle

    Proposed Water Purification Room - Sewers Middle

    Claire (Standard)
    Stuck in a white sack in the north west corner of the platform.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Proposed Water Purification Room - Sewers Middle

    Proposed Water Purification Room - Sewers Middle

    Leon [2nd] (Standard)
    Stuck in a white sack in the north west corner of the platform.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Proposed Water Purification Room - Sewers Middle

    Proposed Water Purification Room - Sewers Middle

    Claire [2nd] (Standard)
    Stuck in a white sack in the north west corner of the platform.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Proposed Water Purification Room - Sewers Middle

    Proposed Water Purification Room - Sewers Middle

    Leon (Hardcore)
    Stuck in a white sack in the north west corner of the platform.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Proposed Water Purification Room - Sewers Middle

    Proposed Water Purification Room - Sewers Middle

    Claire (Hardcore)
    Stuck in a white sack in the north west corner of the platform.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Proposed Water Purification Room - Sewers Middle

    Proposed Water Purification Room - Sewers Middle

    Leon [2nd] (Hardcore)
    Stuck in a white sack in the north west corner of the platform.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Proposed Water Purification Room - Sewers Middle

    Proposed Water Purification Room - Sewers Middle

    Claire [2nd] (Hardcore)
    Stuck in a white sack in the north west corner of the platform.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Kitchen - Laboratory B1

    Kitchen - Laboratory B1

    Leon (Standard)
    Between the two sinks on the east side of the room.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Kitchen - Laboratory B1

    Kitchen - Laboratory B1

    Claire (Standard)
    Between the two sinks on the east side of the room.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Kitchen - Laboratory B1

    Kitchen - Laboratory B1

    Leon [2nd] (Standard)
    Between the two sinks on the east side of the room.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Kitchen - Laboratory B1

    Kitchen - Laboratory B1

    Claire [2nd] (Standard)
    Between the two sinks on the east side of the room.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Kitchen - Laboratory B1

    Kitchen - Laboratory B1

    Leon (Hardcore)
    Between the two sinks on the east side of the room.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Kitchen - Laboratory B1

    Kitchen - Laboratory B1

    Claire (Hardcore)
    Between the two sinks on the east side of the room.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Kitchen - Laboratory B1

    Kitchen - Laboratory B1

    Leon [2nd] (Hardcore)
    Between the two sinks on the east side of the room.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Kitchen - Laboratory B1

    Kitchen - Laboratory B1

    Claire [2nd] (Hardcore)
    Between the two sinks on the east side of the room.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Server Room - Laboratory B2 (East)

    Server Room - Laboratory B2 (East)

    Leon (Standard)
    On a small trolley near the door.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Server Room - Laboratory B2 (East)

    Server Room - Laboratory B2 (East)

    Claire (Standard)
    On a small trolley near the door.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Server Room - Laboratory B2 (East)

    Server Room - Laboratory B2 (East)

    Leon [2nd] (Standard)
    On a small trolley near the door.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Server Room - Laboratory B2 (East)

    Server Room - Laboratory B2 (East)

    Claire [2nd] (Standard)
    On a small trolley near the door.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Server Room - Laboratory B2 (East)

    Server Room - Laboratory B2 (East)

    Leon (Hardcore)
    On a small trolley near the door.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Server Room - Laboratory B2 (East)

    Server Room - Laboratory B2 (East)

    Claire (Hardcore)
    On a small trolley near the door.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Server Room - Laboratory B2 (East)

    Server Room - Laboratory B2 (East)

    Leon [2nd] (Hardcore)
    On a small trolley near the door.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Server Room - Laboratory B2 (East)

    Server Room - Laboratory B2 (East)

    Claire [2nd] (Hardcore)
    On a small trolley near the door.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Monitor Room - Laboratory B3

    Monitor Room - Laboratory B3

    Leon (Standard)
    On the equipment trolley next to the monitor consoles in the south west corner of the room.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Monitor Room - Laboratory B3

    Monitor Room - Laboratory B3

    Claire (Standard)
    On the equipment trolley next to the monitor consoles in the south west corner of the room.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Monitor Room - Laboratory B3

    Monitor Room - Laboratory B3

    Leon [2nd] (Standard)
    On the equipment trolley next to the monitor consoles in the south west corner of the room.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Monitor Room - Laboratory B3

    Monitor Room - Laboratory B3

    Claire [2nd] (Standard)
    On the equipment trolley next to the monitor consoles in the south west corner of the room.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Monitor Room - Laboratory B3

    Monitor Room - Laboratory B3

    Leon (Hardcore)
    On the equipment trolley next to the monitor consoles in the south west corner of the room.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Monitor Room - Laboratory B3

    Monitor Room - Laboratory B3

    Claire (Hardcore)
    On the equipment trolley next to the monitor consoles in the south west corner of the room.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Monitor Room - Laboratory B3

    Monitor Room - Laboratory B3

    Leon [2nd] (Hardcore)
    On the equipment trolley next to the monitor consoles in the south west corner of the room.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Monitor Room - Laboratory B3

    Monitor Room - Laboratory B3

    Claire [2nd] (Hardcore)
    On the equipment trolley next to the monitor consoles in the south west corner of the room.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Baggage Car - Train

    Baggage Car - Train

    Leon [2nd] (Standard)
    Stuck in the barrels covered by a tarpaulin in the middle of the car.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Baggage Car - Train

    Baggage Car - Train

    Claire [2nd] (Standard)
    Stuck in the barrels covered by a tarpaulin in the middle of the car.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Baggage Car - Train

    Baggage Car - Train

    Leon [2nd] (Hardcore)
    Stuck in the barrels covered by a tarpaulin in the middle of the car.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Baggage Car - Train

    Baggage Car - Train

    Claire [2nd] (Hardcore)
    Stuck in the barrels covered by a tarpaulin in the middle of the car.
    View location | Show on map

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