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Isidro's Note (Resident Evil 4 Remake - Separate Ways)

Image of Isidro's Note
CategoryFile (Castle)

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April, nine years since my awakening—

I have received a written petition from Méndez. He wants me to forgive the servant who foolishly ran away.

He does not understand.

It is not a matter of forgiveness or unforgiveness. Only my noble pursuit matters, for which countless sacrifices are required. An honor for all who dwell in the land of our master.

Besides, it would be impossible to remove it from his body now.

She implants her prey with a part of herself, manipulating their consciousness and trapping them in a waking nightmare. They are bent to her will, no matter how far they try to flee.

The only way to truly escape the torment is to kill her, so the entity within her prey dies too.

It is, after all, made up of specialized cells which cannot survive on their own.

Yet none are strong enough to put my hound—my Pesanta—down.


  • Image of Collection Room - Castle Battlements Level 2

    Collection Room - Castle Battlements Level 2

    On the table in the north east corner of the room.
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