Outside Storage - Village Chief's Manor, Abandoned Factory & Valley
Standard1 × Resources (L) - Next to the blue barrel, next to the space where you need to crouch to access the northern section.
Crafting material. Can be combined with gunpowder and knives to create a variety of ammo, grenades, and bolts.
Category | Crafting (Material) |
Buy price | 1,900 pesetas |
Sell price | 950 pesetas |
Resident Evil S.T.A.R.S. R.P.D. WalletBuy the Resident Evil S.T.A.R.S. R.P.D. Wallet on Amazon |
There are no locations to show for this game mode. The following game modes are applicable:
T-Virus/G-Vaccine Prop Replica Set with CaseBuy the T-Virus/G-Vaccine Prop Replica Set with Case on Amazon |