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Small Spider (Resident Evil 3: Nemesis)

Image of Small Spider
A baby spider that has recently emerged from its mothers egg sack. Although they don't deal huge amounts of damage, they do temporarily stun you when they jump and attack you, making them more of a nuisance than a threat.

Don't waste any ammunition on them, simply run or walk over them and they will get crushed with a satisfying "splat" noise.
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  • Image of Small Library - Clock Tower 1F

    Small Library - Clock Tower 1F

    Small Spiders - Appear here if you did not jump out of the window of the cable car. 50% chance of appearing here instead of Zombies, and they will keep respawning each time you enter the room.

    To view a full description of all alternative enemy encounters in the game, please access our enemy encounter variation guide.
    Small Spiders - Appear here when you are playing as Carlos, and only if Jill jumped out of the window of the cable car. 50% chance of appearing here instead of Zombies, and they will keep respawning each time you enter the room.

    To view a full description of all alternative enemy encounters in the game, please access our enemy encounter variation guide.
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  • Image of Small Library - Clock Tower 1F

    Small Library - Clock Tower 1F

    Small Spiders - Appear here if you did not jump out of the window of the cable car. 50% chance of appearing here instead of Zombies, and they will keep respawning each time you enter the room.

    To view a full description of all alternative enemy encounters in the game, please access our enemy encounter variation guide.
    Small Spiders - Appear here when you are playing as Carlos, and only if Jill jumped out of the window of the cable car. 50% chance of appearing here instead of Zombies, and they will keep respawning each time you enter the room.

    To view a full description of all alternative enemy encounters in the game, please access our enemy encounter variation guide.
    View location | Show on map

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