Evil Resource

Monitor Room - Sewers Middle (Resident Evil 2 Remake)

Image of Monitor Room - Sewers Middle

This place is linked to the following locations:

LocationSewers   | Show on map


  • Image of Typewriter


    Leon (Standard)
    On the table in the top north west corner of the room.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Typewriter


    Claire (Standard)
    On the table in the top north west corner of the room.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Typewriter


    Leon [2nd] (Standard)
    On the table in the top north west corner of the room.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Typewriter


    Claire [2nd] (Standard)
    On the table in the top north west corner of the room.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Typewriter


    Leon (Hardcore)
    On the table in the top north west corner of the room.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Typewriter


    Claire (Hardcore)
    On the table in the top north west corner of the room.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Typewriter


    Leon [2nd] (Hardcore)
    On the table in the top north west corner of the room.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Typewriter


    Claire [2nd] (Hardcore)
    On the table in the top north west corner of the room.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Item Box

    Item Box

    Leon (Standard)
    Against the north east wall.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Item Box

    Item Box

    Claire (Standard)
    Against the north east wall.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Item Box

    Item Box

    Leon [2nd] (Standard)
    Against the north east wall.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Item Box

    Item Box

    Claire [2nd] (Standard)
    Against the north east wall.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Item Box

    Item Box

    Leon (Hardcore)
    Against the north east wall.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Item Box

    Item Box

    Claire (Hardcore)
    Against the north east wall.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Item Box

    Item Box

    Leon [2nd] (Hardcore)
    Against the north east wall.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Item Box

    Item Box

    Claire [2nd] (Hardcore)
    Against the north east wall.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Handgun Ammo

    Handgun Ammo (1×8)

    Leon (Standard)
    On a chair next to the control panel on the north side of the room.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Handgun Ammo

    Handgun Ammo (1×8)

    Claire (Standard)
    On a chair next to the control panel on the north side of the room.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Large-caliber Handgun Ammo

    Large-caliber Handgun Ammo (1×4)

    Leon [2nd] (Standard)
    On a chair next to the control panel on the north side of the room.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Large-caliber Handgun Ammo

    Large-caliber Handgun Ammo (1×4)

    Claire [2nd] (Standard)
    On a chair next to the control panel on the north side of the room.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Ink Ribbon

    Ink Ribbon (×2)

    Leon (Hardcore)
    On the small black trolley between the chairs next to the control panel on the north side of the room.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Ink Ribbon

    Ink Ribbon (×2)

    Claire (Hardcore)
    On the small black trolley between the chairs next to the control panel on the north side of the room.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Ink Ribbon

    Ink Ribbon (×2)

    Leon [2nd] (Hardcore)
    On the small black trolley between the chairs next to the control panel on the north side of the room.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Ink Ribbon

    Ink Ribbon (×2)

    Claire [2nd] (Hardcore)
    On the small black trolley between the chairs next to the control panel on the north side of the room.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Sewers Map

    Sewers Map

    Leon (Standard)
    On the wall in the south east corner of the room.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Sewers Map

    Sewers Map

    Claire (Standard)
    On the wall in the south east corner of the room.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Sewers Map

    Sewers Map

    Leon [2nd] (Standard)
    On the wall in the south east corner of the room.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Sewers Map

    Sewers Map

    Claire [2nd] (Standard)
    On the wall in the south east corner of the room.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Sewers Map

    Sewers Map

    Leon (Hardcore)
    On the wall in the south east corner of the room.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Sewers Map

    Sewers Map

    Claire (Hardcore)
    On the wall in the south east corner of the room.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Sewers Map

    Sewers Map

    Leon [2nd] (Hardcore)
    On the wall in the south east corner of the room.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Sewers Map

    Sewers Map

    Claire [2nd] (Hardcore)
    On the wall in the south east corner of the room.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Sewers Company Pamphlet

    Sewers Company Pamphlet

    Leon (Standard)
    On the table next to the Item Box.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Sewers Company Pamphlet

    Sewers Company Pamphlet

    Claire (Standard)
    On the table next to the Item Box.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Sewers Company Pamphlet

    Sewers Company Pamphlet

    Leon [2nd] (Standard)
    On the table next to the Item Box.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Sewers Company Pamphlet

    Sewers Company Pamphlet

    Claire [2nd] (Standard)
    On the table next to the Item Box.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Sewers Company Pamphlet

    Sewers Company Pamphlet

    Leon (Hardcore)
    On the table next to the Item Box.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Sewers Company Pamphlet

    Sewers Company Pamphlet

    Claire (Hardcore)
    On the table next to the Item Box.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Sewers Company Pamphlet

    Sewers Company Pamphlet

    Leon [2nd] (Hardcore)
    On the table next to the Item Box.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Sewers Company Pamphlet

    Sewers Company Pamphlet

    Claire [2nd] (Hardcore)
    On the table next to the Item Box.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Pawn Plug

    Pawn Plug

    Leon (Standard)
    Inside one of the plug terminals in the south west area of the room.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Pawn Plug

    Pawn Plug

    Claire (Standard)
    Inside one of the plug terminals in the south west area of the room.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Pawn Plug

    Pawn Plug

    Leon [2nd] (Standard)
    Inside one of the plug terminals in the south west area of the room.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Pawn Plug

    Pawn Plug

    Claire [2nd] (Standard)
    Inside one of the plug terminals in the south west area of the room.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Pawn Plug

    Pawn Plug

    Leon (Hardcore)
    Inside one of the plug terminals in the south west area of the room.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Pawn Plug

    Pawn Plug

    Claire (Hardcore)
    Inside one of the plug terminals in the south west area of the room.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Pawn Plug

    Pawn Plug

    Leon [2nd] (Hardcore)
    Inside one of the plug terminals in the south west area of the room.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Pawn Plug

    Pawn Plug

    Claire [2nd] (Hardcore)
    Inside one of the plug terminals in the south west area of the room.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Bishop Plug

    Bishop Plug

    Leon (Standard)
    Inside one of the plug terminals in the south west area of the room.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Bishop Plug

    Bishop Plug

    Claire (Standard)
    Inside one of the plug terminals in the south west area of the room.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Bishop Plug

    Bishop Plug

    Leon [2nd] (Standard)
    Inside one of the plug terminals in the south west area of the room.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Bishop Plug

    Bishop Plug

    Claire [2nd] (Standard)
    Inside one of the plug terminals in the south west area of the room.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Bishop Plug

    Bishop Plug

    Leon (Hardcore)
    Inside one of the plug terminals in the south west area of the room.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Bishop Plug

    Bishop Plug

    Claire (Hardcore)
    Inside one of the plug terminals in the south west area of the room.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Bishop Plug

    Bishop Plug

    Leon [2nd] (Hardcore)
    Inside one of the plug terminals in the south west area of the room.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Bishop Plug

    Bishop Plug

    Claire [2nd] (Hardcore)
    Inside one of the plug terminals in the south west area of the room.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Knight Plug

    Knight Plug

    Leon (Standard)
    Inside one of the plug terminals in the south west area of the room.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Knight Plug

    Knight Plug

    Claire (Standard)
    Inside one of the plug terminals in the south west area of the room.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Knight Plug

    Knight Plug

    Leon [2nd] (Standard)
    Inside one of the plug terminals in the south west area of the room.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Knight Plug

    Knight Plug

    Claire [2nd] (Standard)
    Inside one of the plug terminals in the south west area of the room.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Knight Plug

    Knight Plug

    Leon (Hardcore)
    Inside one of the plug terminals in the south west area of the room.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Knight Plug

    Knight Plug

    Claire (Hardcore)
    Inside one of the plug terminals in the south west area of the room.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Knight Plug

    Knight Plug

    Leon [2nd] (Hardcore)
    Inside one of the plug terminals in the south west area of the room.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Knight Plug

    Knight Plug

    Claire [2nd] (Hardcore)
    Inside one of the plug terminals in the south west area of the room.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Unlocking the U-Area Door

    Unlocking the U-Area Door

    Leon (Standard)
    On the bench on the western wall in the south west area of the room.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Unlocking the U-Area Door

    Unlocking the U-Area Door

    Claire (Standard)
    On the bench on the western wall in the south west area of the room.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Unlocking the U-Area Door

    Unlocking the U-Area Door

    Leon [2nd] (Standard)
    On the bench on the western wall in the south west area of the room.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Unlocking the U-Area Door

    Unlocking the U-Area Door

    Claire [2nd] (Standard)
    On the bench on the western wall in the south west area of the room.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Unlocking the U-Area Door

    Unlocking the U-Area Door

    Leon (Hardcore)
    On the bench on the western wall in the south west area of the room.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Unlocking the U-Area Door

    Unlocking the U-Area Door

    Claire (Hardcore)
    On the bench on the western wall in the south west area of the room.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Unlocking the U-Area Door

    Unlocking the U-Area Door

    Leon [2nd] (Hardcore)
    On the bench on the western wall in the south west area of the room.
    View detail | Show on map
  • Image of Unlocking the U-Area Door

    Unlocking the U-Area Door

    Claire [2nd] (Hardcore)
    On the bench on the western wall in the south west area of the room.
    View detail | Show on map

Related product

Resident Evil Book 3 - City of the Dead

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