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Mother Virus Report (Resident Evil 2)

Image of Mother Virus Report
This file is exclusive to the N64 version of the game.
CategoryFile (EX File)

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#FILE 13/16

The Mother Virus was first discovered by Ozwell E. Spencer. And it was him, who founded Umbrella Inc.. As time passed, Spencer's research was succeeded to Dr. J. Marcus. However, Dr. Marcus abused his power and had to be fired.

Following Dr. Marcus came Dr. William Birkin. Dr. Birkin's experiments delivered many outstanding results including the T-virus. It is presumed that he will be finishing work on the more powerful G-virus in the near future.

Currently, research on the Mother Virus takes place at our laboratories all over the world. In the near future, we hope to discover many new viruses.


  • Image of P-4 Laboratory - Laboratory B5

    P-4 Laboratory - Laboratory B5

    Leon B (Normal)
    Exclusive to the N64 version of the game. On the edge of the desk on the north side of the main laboratory.
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  • Image of P-4 Laboratory - Laboratory B5

    P-4 Laboratory - Laboratory B5

    Claire B (Normal)
    Exclusive to the N64 version of the game. On the edge of the desk on the north side of the main laboratory.
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