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Fuse (Resident Evil 3 Remake)

Image of Fuse

A cylindrical electrical component. Completes a circuit, allowing electricity to pass through. May be useful to power some kind of machinery.

A large fuse for use in large machinery.

There are three of these that need collecting. They are used on the power terminal next to the elevator in the northern area of the Underground Storage Warehouse to restore its power, allowing you access to the Surveillance Room.
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  • Image of Warehouse - Underground Storage

    Warehouse - Underground Storage

    Inside the fuse box on the north west platform. This fuse is marked with a number 3.
    Inside the fuse box on the west side of the room, next to Transport Container #1. This fuse is marked with a number 1.
    In the fuse box on the west side of the middle area of the room, the bit accessible after climbing down the eastern ladder. This fuse is marked with a number 2.
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  • Image of Warehouse - Underground Storage

    Warehouse - Underground Storage

    Inside the fuse box on the north west platform. This fuse is marked with a number 3.
    Inside the fuse box on the west side of the room, next to Transport Container #1. This fuse is marked with a number 1.
    In the fuse box on the west side of the middle area of the room, the bit accessible after climbing down the eastern ladder. This fuse is marked with a number 2.
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  • Image of Warehouse - Underground Storage

    Warehouse - Underground Storage

    Inside the fuse box on the north west platform. This fuse is marked with a number 3.
    Inside the fuse box on the west side of the room, next to Transport Container #1. This fuse is marked with a number 1.
    In the fuse box on the west side of the middle area of the room, the bit accessible after climbing down the eastern ladder. This fuse is marked with a number 2.
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  • Image of Warehouse - Underground Storage

    Warehouse - Underground Storage

    Inside the fuse box on the north west platform. This fuse is marked with a number 3.
    Inside the fuse box on the west side of the room, next to Transport Container #1. This fuse is marked with a number 1.
    In the fuse box on the west side of the middle area of the room, the bit accessible after climbing down the eastern ladder. This fuse is marked with a number 2.
    View location | Show on map
  • Image of Warehouse - Underground Storage

    Warehouse - Underground Storage

    Inside the fuse box on the north west platform. This fuse is marked with a number 3.
    Inside the fuse box on the west side of the room, next to Transport Container #1. This fuse is marked with a number 1.
    In the fuse box on the west side of the middle area of the room, the bit accessible after climbing down the eastern ladder. This fuse is marked with a number 2.
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