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Rasklapanje (Resident Evil 6)

Image of Rasklapanje
This grotesque B.O.W. has a humanoid shape but can barely walk. Its only attack is to clumsily grab at you or your partner. If a Rasklapanje contacts you, your partner should immediately knock him off you. If you have no partner available or they're indisposed, be prepared to mash out of ts attack.

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  • Image of Leon - Chapter 4

    Leon - Chapter 4

    Rasklapanjes - Market. Several of these creatures appear throughout the market as you search for the three keys to open the gate.
  • Image of Chris - Chapter 4

    Chris - Chapter 4

    Rasklapanjes - Aircraft Carrier - Forward Hangar. When you are in the area where you are searching for the passcodes, several of these will appear and attack you along the way.
  • Image of Jake - Chapter 5

    Jake - Chapter 5

    Rasklapanjes - Underwater Facility 1. Initially appear in the room outside the chamber you start the chapter in as Sherry makes her way through the ventilation tunnels. They will stalk you through the rest of the rooms as you restore power to the facility.
  • Image of Ada - Chapter 4

    Ada - Chapter 4

    Rasklapanjes - Aircraft Carrier - Forward Hangar. When you are in the area where you are searching for the passcodes, several of these will appear and attack you along the way.
There are no locations to show.

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